Little Dipper May 7

There were a couple of truly noteworthy highlights from this night: 9.5M+ on Scared Stiff and 231.9M+ on Jaws (Pro). The others really don’t stand out too much.

I am still looking for tournament players on (most) Tuesday nights at Little Dipper, see the post on the Bayou City Pinball website for more details.

April 29 and 30 Little Dipper

Not really a whole lot here. April 30, again, would have been a tournament had there been enough attendance.

The score on Jaws felt like a solid accomplishment. The scores for April 30 on Stars and Paragon I was pretty happy with, but I feel like I could have done better. The others are kind of ho-hum.

April 29:

April 30:

April 26 Del Mar Lanes

I entered Del Mar Lanes planning to play the proverbial “one quick game” of Godzilla before heading on home. I had four credits waiting for me on the machine, so the dollar bill I had planned to use to coin up stayed in my wallet.

The best I could muster was a 385.3M+ that didn’t make it onto the high scores. But overall it was a very satisfying evening playing pinball. I am starting to really enjoy Godzilla, particularly at this location.

April 15 Cidercade

In case you missed it, Cidercade ran a promotion for free admission on April 15, Tax Day. (For those outside the US, this is the date that the Internal Revenue Service requires either individual tax returns to be filed, or an extension.) I’ve never been one to turn down free pinball and classic arcade games, so I took them up on the offer.

The very first game I played was Black Knight: Sword of Rage (Pro) where I would put up a white-hot 122.1M+, which I think is the best I have ever done on a Pro model. I would follow up with a 193.1M+ on Godzilla (LE). (My apologies for the out-of-focus score photo, though the one following shows it much more legibly.) I would follow this up with a 64.5M+ on Foo Fighters (Premium), also one of my better runs. Other highlights would include a 6.56M+ on Heavy Metal. I’d put up a few decent video game scores too, including a 56,720 on Centipede and 101K+ on Gyruss (still very playable despite the green-tinted picture).

All in all, a pretty good day at Cidercade.

April 10 Del Mar Lanes

So April 10, the very next night, I decide to drop in at Del Mar Lanes for “a couple quick games of Godzilla”. Famous last words. The quest for grand champion on this particular machine would finally bear fruit as I would bust through with a whopping 606.7M+! Unlike previous attempts, it really seemed like I just couldn’t lose at times, making saves and multiball jackpot shots that I had never made before. I would also put up a 554.7M+ just under the previous grand champion, good for high score #2.

These are the last games of Godzilla before the high scores would be reset (automatically or manually, I’m not sure). So on that note, here are all the high scores I had on this machine as of the time I left on April 10 (these may or may not be in order that the machine displays them, somehow the upload happened in a random order):


April 2 and 9 at Little Dipper

So Tuesday nights, April 2 and 9, brought a couple of visits to Little Dipper. For both of these dates I did attempt to run the announced tournaments.

For April 2, there was one other player. Unfortunately it takes three players to have IFPA sanction an event–something I had never noticed in the rulebook until it was pointed out to me. Of course, I still had fun, as did the other player (visiting from out of town).

I won the games on T2, Elvira’s House of Horrors, and Lord of the Rings, and lost the other two.

No takers on April 9, so these are all just me: