July 29 Del Mar

There’s not a whole lot to report on this visit. I did manage to put up a 306.7M+ to bump the high score #4 that much higher. However, there was an interesting first that happened on this visit. I was in the middle of the follow-up game to that 306.7M+ score, and during a rather frenetic multiball, all of a sudden the sound went silent and the display froze. While the flippers stayed active for another 15 to 20 seconds or so, they too went dead. Of course, the machine then rebooted, and there was no record of my score (the score that came up was the same 306.7M+ from the previous complete game).

Fortunately the rest of the session went by without incident. The replay score has yet to catch up to how well I usually do when I come by and play, for better or worse.