Einstein’s August 18

This past Sunday brought one of my longer sessions at Einstein’s. Of particular note are games on The Beatles (2.76M+) and Total Nuclear Annihilation (860k+) which I consider very good to excellent, and one of my better runs on Stars (134k+). The TNA score certainly felt like one of the most satisfying games I had played on that title in quite some time, and I finally feel like I’m getting the hang of The Beatles (though it still plays as vicious as most EM titles of the late 1960s to early 1970s).

Also of note, for better or worse, is the prices have gone up on many of the games, with almost all of the relatively recent titles at 75¢/1 or $2/3. Maybe one or two games were moved down to 50¢/1; I didn’t really have a detailed record of what the old prices were. The change may have been based simply on demand as one of the price hike games was Attack from Mars. Still, I can’t complain too loudly given $1/game or higher is typical for newer games.