This is a very quick summary of what I was able to put up through the last three weeks of January give or take. This includes one post-tournament game on January 24 but the actual tournament will be summarized in a later post. So yes, this will be slightly out of chronological order, something I don’t really like to do but which is unfortunately necessary to get caught up in a timely fashion.
- TMNT normal game, 26.7M+ grand champion and Leonardo champion 1/24
- TMNT final battle challenge, 20.7M+ 1/23
- Iron Maiden, 321.9M+ 1/23 high score #1
- Munsters, 19.1M+ 1/21
- JP normal game, 254.8M+ 1/28
- JP Escape Nubular, 275.0M+ 1/26
- Deadpool, 205.5M+ 1/28
- Super Pac-Man, 76,040 1/15
- Q*Bert, 18,875 1/21
- Millipede, 78,394 1/28
- Track & Field, 96,110 1/23 (game has video issues but score is legible)
All in all I’m pretty happy with most of these, particularly Millipede, TMNT final battle, JP Escape Nubular, and Iron Maiden.